We hear it a lot now. It's not like we didn't have to wash our hands before but now we really have to wash them all the time and really, really well. Sing Happy Birthday for 20 seconds. We can sing another song too, like Diggy Diggy Hole by Wind Rose (Minecraft inside joke.) But what if you can't? Like you're not home? You're out on your bike? Or delivering food and helping others? Or if you are at a protest for equality? What if you are just not near a sink with soap and water? S A N I T I Z E R Safety is S U P E R important, on the road, when you are helping others and really, really important in a crowd! I wanted to do something for the community and give back because my dad is an essential worker and I know what it is like to hope he is ok. It was very scary in the beginning. He'd go to work a 3AM and come home at 2PM. My mom set up a station by the back door. When he got home he'd come in the house through the back yard, t...
Small Acts Can Bring Big Change. I'm JP, I'm in 6th grade, a Boy Scout in Troop 106, I love nature and Minecraft. In 2019 I wanted to raise money for a local charity, Maggie's Mission, but I wanted to do more than just ask people for donations. My parents said I could ride my bike as a fundraiser. They signed us up for "The Ride To Montauk" on September 14, 2019, and I rode 30 miles raising over $1500. That successful event taught me that even one boy with one bike can make a difference.